1. Paint
Application of paint is one of the built-in program that is on the windows, whenever we re-install the program already exists without us having to install independently as photoshop or ms. office, how to use it too easy, unlike other applications, because it looks that interface and easy to remember. Besides, there are some functions the same icon with programs in general.Paint function to edit or create an image of the object is simple, though simple but the resulting quality is also quite good and therefore the following is the primary display picture on this application.

2.  Audacity
Audacity is a software produced specifically for file-based audio processing.
Audacity audio rejected by cutting, reproduce, unite with one another track, record sound or give special effects to the sound. Audacity has a display in the form of audio or voice yabg spectogram chart based on time, so that the display is easier for the sound to be processed. To facilitate the work when processing the sounds, we can enlarge [Zoom] charts the sound, so that we can more easily determine the point the sound to be cut.

3.   Movie Maker
Windows Movie Maker is a video editing software program or the default of Windows XP. Movie Maker is installed when you install Windows XP automatically. Although the default program rather than a stand-alone program,
  Movie Maker video editing program capable of being reliable. This is not apart from ease of use, both the beginner and intermediate, due to support from Microsoft that provides updates and additional features on their website.
 Hasil gambar untuk movie maker logo

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